WLC Engineering and Surveying was hired by the Wyoming Water Development Commission and three special districts, Freedom Hills Improvement & Service District, Peoples Improvement & Service District, and South Fork Estates Improvement & Service District, to perform Level II Studies for each district. Each district maintains its own system and was interested in participating in the study for its own specific reasons. A major focus of the study for each district was to determine the feasibility and best location for the districts to connect to the Gillette Regional Water System, either to serve as a primary or secondary source of water. Tasks included organizing and facilitating scoping and project meetings; reviewing existing information; inventorying, evaluating, and mapping existing water systems; hydraulic modeling of each system, reviewing and documenting existing water quality; reviewing water contracts; evaluating system operations; developing growth and water demand projections; performing rate studies; recommending and assisting the districts to secure water system financing; creating a GIS; evaluating the feasibility and location for the districts to connect to the Gillette Regional Water System; prioritizing recommendations; and providing cost estimates for recommendations.