The Salt Creek Joint Powers Board (SCJPB) hired WLC Engineering and Surveying to secure a $500,000 Mineral Royalty Grant to replace approximately 5,500 feet of failing waterline that runs from the Central Wyoming Regional Water System Water Treatment Plant in Casper to the Edgerton and Midwest areas. This waterline provides the only water supply to the Towns of Edgerton and Midwest. In addition, WLC wrote an emergency Mineral Royalty Grant application for the SCJPB to fund 100% of the design the project. The State Loan and Investment Board’s staff did not recommend approval of the of the emergency grant. WLC made a presentation to the State Loan and Investment Board on how important the project was, and that emergency funding was necessary. The State Loan and Investment approved the emergency grant request. WLC also provided civil engineering design, land surveying, construction contract administration, and materials testing for the project. This section of waterline experienced dozens of ruptures in recent years. The replacement of this section of waterline is a permanent solution. The pipe is plastic-wrapped and cathodically protected. Cathodic protection is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. It connects the metal to be protected to a more easily corroded “sacrificial metal” to act as the anode. The replaced section of waterline provides safer, more reliable water to the communities and oil and natural gas businesses in the area.