Rolling Hills Parks & Pathways Master Plan

Type of Project

Parks & Pathways Master Plan


Rolling Hills, Wyoming

Primary Service

Civil Engineering & Land Surveying


Town of Rolling Hills

Client Type


Completed Year


WLC Engineering and Surveying was hired by the Town of Rolling Hills to create a Park and Pathways Master Plan encompassing the entire town. The Master Plan included parks, pathways, a new town hall site, community center and new recreational facilities. WLC worked with Tallgrass Landscape and Architecture to create the Master Plan including renderings and layouts of proposed improvements as well as cost estimates and a timeline for implementing the proposed projects. The completion of this project provides the Town with a Master Plan they can use to apply for grants to construct proposed amenities and capital projects. The Town of Rolling Hills purchased an entire section adjacent to the Town and looked to conceptualize that area for additional housing and recreational opportunities. As part of the project, WLC was tasked with determining buildable areas given the existing terrain that could receive water service without needing additional wells or booster pumps. WLC created a new water model of the area to determine serviceable areas for residential expansion.

What our clients are saying

“WLC has always provided us with top-notch professional services. The employees provide esponsive, knowledgeable, and friendly service.”
—Joe Dill, Former Mayor