The City of Mills, Wyoming hired WLC for the park design of the new Robertson Heights Park. WLC provided civil engineering design, land surveying, materials testing, and construction contract administration as well as support for the City of Mills during the grant application process for maps, cost estimates, and the like. WLC worked closely with subconsultants to maximize the space of the project site for public use as this piece of land was donated to Mills due to the large amount of easements for overhead power and high pressure gas lines.
During construction, WLC pivoted and adjusted the park design to meet utility owner requirements. WLC worked with the contractor to make small adjustments within the grading while fulfilling the intent of the park. At the completion of this project, the public can enjoy a great outdoor space available to the surrounding neighborhood as well as the entire City of Mills and surrounding communities. The park is accessible from two ends and will also be part of the City’s developing pathway system. The community also had the opportunity get involved and help name the new park by submitting nominations. This project was completed on time and within budget.