WLC was hired by the City of Casper, Wyoming to perform civil engineering design the Industrial Avenue stormwater and street improvements. The project required WLC to replace existing storm sewer piping with new and replace approximately 235’ of sanitary sewer on Ash Street. Other project requirements included WLC replacing one sanitary sewer manhole, reconstructing streets for surface drainage, adding curbs and sidewalks for surface drainage, and implementing basic erosion control measures. WLC’s team has extensive experience in storm sewer and street improvements across the state and has provided numerous stormwater and street improvements for the City. Additionally, WLC was the engineer for the City of Casper’s Stormwater Management Master Plan, making WLC deeply familiar with Casper’s stormwater system. The exceptionally flat slope of the midblock from David Street and Ash Street presented a challenge that WLC was able to mitigate through the installation of several inlets along the stretch of street. Overall services provided by WLC include civil engineering design, hydraulic modeling, field investigations, and land surveying. This project was completed on time and within budget.