The Town of Edgerton hired WLC to identify funding sources and prepare a sewer and water grant application to extend services to a commercial area of Edgerton without water or sewer service. The project scope also includes gravel roadway improvements. The project impetuous was the sale of the Junction Convenience store and building in Midwest to Big D Oil. The owner of the convenience store also owned an oil field services company that was housed in the same building. The oil field services company located, purchased and started construction of its new 80’ by 120’ facility on a site in Edgerton. However, the site did not have water or sewer service. The building was under construction, and there was considerable pressure to identify the correct funding source and prepare a grant application. WLC identified the Wyoming Business Council as the most likely funding source. A grant application was prepared. In addition, the Town hired WLC to design the project in advance of the grant application being considered due to the timing of the project. The Business Council and State Loan and Investment Board approved the grant. The grant award of $243,800 funded 93% of the project costs. The Town of Edgerton provided $17,691 in in-kind services by grading the roads. This is an important project to the Town as the town had seen little to no growth in previous years. The project was designed so that water and sewer lines can be extended to serve additional adjacent lands.