WLC was hired by Natrona County School District (NCSD) #1 to help mitigate snow drifting issues at the CY Middle School student drop off on Cyclone Drive. To do so, WLC prepared a snow fence design to mitigate snow drifting at the middle school that provides drifting protection without using obtrusive snow fences like ones used along highways. NCSD #1 had previous snow mitigation using temporary fencing with moderate success, yet the heavy snows and wind during the 2022-2023 winter season created severe drifting issues that required consistent snow removal with heavy equipment and dump trucks.
After reviewing the most effective alignment and height to mitigate drifting, WLC’s snow fence design included vertical rough cut lumber fences with embedded posts. The final design consisted of 515 LF of 4’ tall fence, 625 LF of 6’ tall fence, and 650 LF of 8’ tall fence placed perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction. Snow fence installation was completed in November of 2023, just before the winter season, providing snow mitigation to the school’s access roads and reduced costs for snow removal for the school district.