Carbon County Courthouse Site Improvements

Type of Project

Site Improvements


Carbon County, Wyoming

Primary Service

Civil Engineering, Land Surveying


Carbon County

Client Type


Completed Year

carbon county courthouse

WLC was hired by Carbon County to provide civil engineering and land surveying services for the Carbon County Courthouse refurbishment and site improvements project. WLC services included parking lot design, sewer design, 3D  laser scans of the building entrance, and design for a new sally port to assist in the transfer of inmates. This project is unique as the Carbon Coutny Courthouse is the home of historic utilities and structures. Due to several uknown historic utilities on the project site and budgetary restraints, WLC worked mindfully to not disrupt historic utilities as well as provide cost effective solutions to satisfy community driven requests regarding the project.

What our clients are saying

“WLC has always provided us with top-notch professional services. The employees provide esponsive, knowledgeable, and friendly service.”
—Joe Dill, Former Mayor