WLC Engineering and Surveying had a very busy 2019 with various municipal, state, and private engineering projects. The new decade is shaping up to be another busy and exciting time for WLC. Today, we’re sharing a little look into a few of the projects our Casper civil engineering team will be working on in 2020.
One of the most well-known projects is the State Office Building off Collins Dr. in Casper. Awarded in fall 2018, WLC provided the land surveying for design; site and infrastructure design including water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and surfacing; and is currently assisting Stateline No. 7 Architects with the construction administration for these items. Slated for completion in 2022, the three-story structure will sit on approximately 11 acres of land and includes 110,000 square feet of usable space, a parking lot, and outdoor spaces that will accommodate future growth.
WLC Engineering and Surveying was also awarded the Morad Park to Walmart Trail Project by the City of Casper and Platte River Trails Trust (PRTT) in the fall of 2019. The project includes the installation of a multi-use pathway from the Platte River Trail at Wyoming Blvd across the intersection of CY Avenue to the Mountain View Shopping Center. WLC is providing field investigations and surveys; civil engineering design for the pathway including landscape and amenities along the route; and construction administration. The project is expected to be complete in 2020.
The City of Casper hired WLC in late fall of 2019 to provide civil engineering services on the Ridgecrest Zone 2 & 3 Waterline Replacements Project. The project involves rehabilitation to the street, curbwalks, valley gutters, sanitary sewer, and waterline on Ridgecrest Drive between Mariposa Boulevard and Valcaro Road and on Mariposa Boulevard between Ridgecrest Road and Mariposa Court. WLC is partnering with Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, a geotechnical engineering firm, and CEPI, another civil engineering firm to enhance services on the project. This project is scheduled for completion in fall of 2020.
Another infrastructure project that will be ongoing for the WLC Casper office is the Converse County Road & Bridge Department’s East Antelope Road Reconstruction Project. Awarded to WLC in fall 2019, the project includes the reconstruction and paving of approximately 7.56 miles of the western end of East Antelope Road (County Road #52) located in Converse County, Wyoming. WLC is providing land surveying, design services, and construction observation and administration for the reconstruction of the road, including culverts and approaches for adjacent property owners. The East Antelope Road Reconstruction Project is expected to be complete by fall of 2020.
We are excited to be involved in these projects and look forward to delivering high quality, professional services to our clients. If you have a 2020 or future project you’d like to visit about, please contact WLC today.