A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held on Wednesday, September 15th at Morad Park opened a new section of pathway. WLC was an integral part of this project as the civil engineer providing pathway design, land surveying, and construction contract administration.
The new section of pathway connects Morad Park to the Mountain Plaza Shopping Center. This project is part of the overall efforts to expand the Platte River Trails pathway network throughout Casper. The addition of this new pathway provides future opportunities to continue extending the path south towards Casper Mountain on the west side of town.
This new section of pathway is another example of work being done by Platte River Trails. Their goal is to provide the west side of Casper more and safer access to non-motorized transportation. The new path allows pedestrians and bicyclists to safely cross CY Avenue. Platte River Trails hopes this new connection will serve as Phase I of a pathway connecting Morad Park to Wolf Creek. The connection will provide residents more access to the area.