Your projects can happen anywhere, and not always where you normally do business. When the opportunity for a job outside your typical geographic area arises, you may find yourself looking for expertise in an area you are unfamiliar with. Doing a quick Google search will likely point you in the right direction, but is the search term “surveyor near me” going to get you a reputable, reliable person or team for the job? Beyond the search term, here are some things to further research when getting started with an unfamiliar surveyor.
First and foremost, if you are interested in working with a surveyor, you will need to be sure they are licensed to work in the state you are planning to begin your project. No matter how great and experienced a surveyor is, they won’t get you far if they can’t work in your service area. Additionally, being licensed to work in a state also means that they will understand the state statutes and follow all the guidelines and specifications to execute the project correctly, preventing legal issues down the road.
Knowledge of Area
When it comes to surveying, extensive knowledge of the area will make the work more efficient and final deliverables more accurate. Choosing a surveyor who routinely works in your project location is helpful because they understand the terrain, weather and environment and they have a heightened awareness of obstacles they may encounter during the surveying and deliverable process.
There are many benefits to working with a land surveying firm with whom you have already built a relationship. Not only are they familiar with your processes and you with theirs, but you both have an understanding of the final product. While many surveyors are willing to travel to meet your needs, you may run into extra costs or bigger timelines. Mileage, per diem, lodging and travel time add up quickly and travel days add to your schedule. Keep the travel component in mind when choosing a surveyor. It may be worth it to you to pay travel costs, but may also be detrimental to the project if it blows your budget or schedule.
The bottom line, as with any service, is to research the “surveyor near me” before hiring. Contacting the surveyor prior to beginning a project and asking some of these questions will set the tone for the rest of the process. You’ll have a greater understanding of their capabilities and resources right away. Learn about WLC’s land surveying services, and contact us today to see if we are the right fit for you.