Alignment surveys require highly accurate and precise data. Alignment surveys are the appropriate tool to perform for safety of routes, lines, right-of-ways, route and roadway design, and much more. Here are 4 alignment survey projects showcasing the size and intricacy these projects encompass.
Dave Johnston Transmission Line Rebuild
WLC was hired by Rocky Mountain Power to perform land surveying for a 230 kV powerline rebuild and reroute for the 1957 built powerline between Dave Johnston Power Plant and the City of Casper, Wyoming. WLC performed surveys along the proposed reroute of the line and provided right-of-way plats to ensure access to the powerline. Most of the line was built on rural land with an “H” frame construction.
Power Line Right-Of-Way Surveys on Tribal Lands
WLC was contracted by PacifiCorp, one of the country’s largest power providers, to renew powerline right-of-way easements on the Crow Indian Reservation located in South Central Montana. The surveys included locating existing power lines, boundaries, allotments, and access to roads. This project also presented WLC with many weather and terrain challenges where ATVs, snowmachines, and helicopters were used to complete the project!
Paradise Substation Land Surveying
WLC was again hired by Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) and Wasatch Electric to provide alignment surveying services for the Paradise Substation in Sublette County, Wyoming. WLC performed several land surveys for the substation fences, boundary, grading, foundations, and transmission and distribution power lines coming entering and exiting the substation. This project was large and required services in a widely unknown area.
High Plains Wind Project Surveying
Alignment surveys can also be used for wind energy projects. WLC was hired by PacifiCorp to provide surveying and mapping services for 13,000 acres of the proposed wind energy project. Surveys included in this project were ALTA surveys and locations and highway topographic surveys. WLC also assisted in turbine locations and transmission line corridors.
Alignment surveys are helpful in understanding topographic features and cross-sections for many different types of projects. WLC strategically uses alignment surveys for the best outcome on projects that require routes, right-of-ways, sewer lines, powerlines, transmission and distribution lines, and more. Learn more about our land surveying services and contact us for questions about alignment surveys on your next project.