WLC Engineering and Surveying developed the design for the site grading, sanitary sewer system, water system, and storm sewer system for the new elementary school. The school is situated adjacent to the original school. The finished floor is stepped three times to accommodate the building layout and existing ground slope to reduce earthwork. The site experienced two major runoff events prior to the site design being completed. The Owner requested WLC evaluate the contributing drainage basin and provide recommendations for mitigating future flood hazards for the new school. The analysis resulted in directing all on and off-site runoff to the adjacent road right-of-way and the installation of 3’ X 9‘ concrete box culverts at each approach to the school. The school also required the design of a new septic system and leach field. This system is designed to handle up to 5,000 gallons per day of effluent. The permitting of the leach field required an application to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Underground Injection Control program. WLC provided construction staking and was used as a resource for design clarification and submittal review during construction. We also provided construction observation for installation of the water system and sanitary sewer system. The total cost of project is $20 million.
Poison Spider Elementary School Site Design
Type of Project
Elementary School Site Design
Natrona County, Wyoming
Primary Service
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying & Construction Contract Administration
Natrona County School District #1
Client Type
Completed Year
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