WLC Engineering and Surveying wrote the successful $138,750 Safe Routes to School grant for the Town of Bar Nunn. The grant included construction of a 10-foot wide concrete pathway from the northern residential areas of Bar Nunn to the Elementary School. This grant covered 100% of the construction and engineering costs of this project. Before construction of the pathway, students from this area of Town who walked or biked to school utilized the shortest route possible which included crossing a vacant field. The undeveloped route made for difficult walking, especially in bad weather, and created dangerous biking conditions year round. Naturally, many parents were apprehensive about having their children walk or bike to school and a need for a safer route was identified. In addition to these problems, the dirt path crossed an area that had been platted for housing development. WLC designed the pathway, obtained the necessary environmental clearance, and surveyed the layout of the pathway and easements needed to construct the pathway. WLC also performed construction observation and contract administration. Throughout this project, WLC demonstrated its ability to provide comprehensive services from inception to completion.