While the WLC office in Rawlins, WY may be smaller in size, its big on providing the best civil engineering and land surveying services in the area and beyond. Meet our Rawlins engineering team responsible for keeping civil infrastructure in the community and surrounding areas safe and sustainable.
Chuck Bartlett
With 45 years of industry experience, Project Manager, Chuck Bartlett, knows Wyoming and civil engineering. Chuck’s expertise lies in water distribution and transmission design, wastewater collection, roadway design, and project management to name a few. For a portion of his career (2001-2015), Chuck was the Town Engineer, Director of Public Works, Zoning Officer, Building Inspector, and Chief Water and Wastewater Operator for the Town of Saratoga.
Dan Ferrin, P.E.
Project manager, Dan Ferrin, wears many hats for WLC serving as design engineer, project manager, and project engineer for several projects in Wyoming since joining WLC four years ago. With 33 years of industry experience, Dan is a licensed Professional Engineer in both Wyoming and Colorado. His expertise lies in municipal code, building inspection and permitting, site plan review, materials testing, septic system design, and water, sewer and street design, to list a few.
Small, yet mighty, our Rawlins engineering team has over 75 years of combined industry experience. WLC is fortunate to have such experienced and professional civil engineers on our team. Read more on projects in the Rawlins, WY area and contact us today to see how this team can serve on your next project.