5 WLC Presidents Get Together to Look Back at WLC

5 WLC Presidents Get Together to Look Back at WLC

Shane Porter, Don Davis, Steve Kurtz, Doran Boston, and Brad Clow, five of WLC’s president and past presidents, got together in July 2017 to take a look back at WLC Engineering and Surveying’s 69-year history. Shane is WLC’s current president, taking on the role spring of 2016. Upon Don’s retirement this year on June 30, the group thought it was a good time to get together to step back and look at the company’s progress and success as well as the bumps it’s experienced along the way.

Left to Right:
Shane Porter – Current President
Don Davis – 2007-2016
Steve Kurtz – 2000-2007
Doron Boston – 1995-2000
Brad Clow – 1990-1995