Lions Camp for the Blind-UIC Permit

Type of Project


Natrona County, Wyoming

Primary Service

Civil Engineering; Construction Administration; Land Surveying


State of Wyoming Lions Club

Client Type

Land Owner

Completed Year


The Lions Camp obtained a UIC Permit for their facility on Casper Mountain in 1998. Unfortunately, the UIC permit was allowed to expire in 2008 and a new permit application had to be prepared and submitted. WLC was hired by the State of Wyoming Lions Club to perform the engineering and geologic analysis to for the new UIC Permit. Records were poor, and WLC had to complete a full as-built investigation and analysis on the existing dosing pumps and absorption system which was experiencing some problems. The as-built investigation included review of existing records, and subsurface investigation with a backhoe to fully understand how it was constructed and if it was capable of handling the estimated effluent discharge of 7,800 gallons per day. In addition to the engineering analysis on the existing absorption system, WLC and its subconsultant were tasked with completing a detailed geologic and groundwater investigation as part of the new UIC permit application. This analysis was to determine groundwater flow direction and potential impacts to down gradient water supplies. With this analysis, WLC oversaw the installation of three new monitoring wells and established a monitoring program as part of the UIC permit application.

What our clients are saying

“WLC has always provided us with top-notch professional services. The employees provide esponsive, knowledgeable, and friendly service.”
—Joe Dill, Former Mayor